Screen Enhancements to AdmitGold – Part 3

As you have seen, several of the many enhancements introduced in AdmitGold 2016 improved the overall look and feel of the screens, making it easier for users to navigate the system and find what they need.  One of the screens that received a face-lift was the Tracking tab.  Our focus was to make it easier to read, adding titles, sections, and a splash of color. 

However, as we were creating this blog post, we decided to stop and add something we had slated for AdmitGold 2018.  It was an idea introduced to us by one of our customers and we have since then solicited the input from a few more. (Our thanks to all of you who contributed).

We have now added some adaptive color-coding to the Tracking tab, allowing the Recruiter/Counselor to more quickly see, at a glance, what documents are still missing to complete the file.  For example, when the Record Type is entered, the Tracking tab is automatically populated, based upon the requirements of the institution, showing everything that is needed from that student.  Now when that happens, items Needed are highlighted in Red, and items not needed are grayed out. 

As the documents are received and confirmed completed, the dates are entered into the Tracking tab, and the fields once again change color.

If you have any questions about the enhancements, want to learn more about how to adopt them, or have some suggestions of your own, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team.


Enjoy and Happy GoldMining!!



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