Creating the Test/NewSAT Tab

For those of you we haven’t already added this tab for, we apologize for being a little behind on sending out this announcement.  That said, let me introduce the new Test/NewSAT Tab for AdmitGold.creating_the_testnewsat_tab_01

If you prefer to have us do this for you, just open a support ticket and we’ll make sure it gets done.  For those of you who prefer to do it yourselves, just follow the steps below to add this tab to your installation of AdmitGold.  If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please don’t hesitate to open up a support ticket as well.

  1. Log in to AdmitGold as MASTER or equivalent.
  2. Switch to the Details tab, you may need to activate it if it’s not already available.  (You may need to go to Tools | Options | Record tab | Tabs button)
  3. Inside the Details tab, Right-click and select New…
  4. Bring up the Lookup list for the Detail field.
  5. Click the New button and enter in the value “Test/NewSAT” exactly as shown below.creating_the_testnewsat_tab_02
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click the Select button to select this new entry.
  8. Click the Setup tab and fill in the information exactly as shown below.creating_the_testnewsat_tab_03
  9. The value in Field1 is: Taken(YYYY/MM)
  10. The value in Tab Name is: Test/NewSAT
  11. Click on the Info tab.
  12. You will now be prompted to save the new field labels, click Yes.
  13. On the Info tab, bring up the lookup list for the Type field.
  14. Click on the Setup button.
  15. Select the Field Setting options as shown below and Import the lookup entries from another field as shown below.creating_the_testnewsat_tab_04
  16. If you are unable to locate the lookup list to import, the lookup items can be created manually or copied later from one of the other Type fields.  Once imported/entered, they should look like the image shown below.creating_the_testnewsat_tab_05
  17. The new tab is all ready to use.

Next we will need to create the new fields in the Detail Extract tab in preparation for an updated version of DX, which should be ready in the next week or so.

Preparing the Detail Extract Tab

Click on image to Zoom

Though the programmer is still working on the code for Detail Extract, we wanted to make sure everyone was ready before rolling out the new executable.  The goal will be to form a screen that looks like this:

Click on Image to Zoom

to a screen that looks like this:

Which basically means, making room for the new fields and adding them into your system.  Now, there is no easy way to make room for the new fields besides grabbing each field, one by one, and moving them, approximately 3 rows down.

As before, if you prefer to have us do this for you, just open a support ticket and we’ll make sure it gets done.  For those of you who prefer to do it yourselves, just follow the steps below to add this tab to your installation of AdmitGold.  If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please don’t hesitate to open up a support ticket as well.

  1. Log in to AdmitGold as MASTER or equivalent.
  2. Activate the Extract tab.
  3. Right-click in a blank area and select the Screen Design… option.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom row of fields and methodically move them down as applicable to make room.
  5. Create and position the new fields and expressions using the table below as your guide.  Note, the fields need to be created exactly as listed for Detail Extract to find them.


Field Name Description/Label/Expression Field Type Length
— dBASE Expression — ‘Highest Official NEW SAT’    
UNSATHICOM Composite Numeric 4
UNSATHIMAT Math Numeric 3
UNSATHIRT Read Test Numeric 3
UNSATHIWT Write Test Numeric 3
UNSATHIMT Math Test Numeric 3
UNSATHISLF New SAT Hi-Self Rpt Numeric 4
— dBASE Expression — ‘Recalc’    
UNSATRECCO Composite Numeric 4
UNSATRECMT Math Numeric 3


That’s all there is to it!
Enjoy and Happy GoldMining!!



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