What to expect in GoldMine PE 9.0.1

The next update to GoldMine Premium Edition 9 is still about a month or so away, but we are already getting some good information as to what to expect. With some of you already looking at Office 2010, I wanted to get out this information ASAP.

It seems to be doing very well in BETA testing so far, so that’s great news! Of course it will be filled with a whole bunch of bug fixes. Actually, some of you may have already started receiving notices from FrontRange confirming one of your issues has been resolved in the 9.0.1.  But what else can we expect?

  • Support for Microsoft Office 2010 (32-bit versions).
  • Access to Windows certificate stores to authenticate digitally signed e-mail messages.
  • Ability to minimize the details pane that shows fields in the Opportunity Manager, Project Manager, and Service Center.

When can we expect it? As of now, it should be completed and ready to go by December, but due to the holidays, we can likely expect it early January 2011. I will post more here as additional information becomes available.


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