Though released in mid October, 180° Solutions is now ready to endorse GoldMine Premium Edition 9.0.3. However, this release is not for everyone. If you are implementing GoldMine Mobile 9, or see something on the list below that applies to you, please contact us or GoldMine Technical Support to make special arrangements to upgrade to this particular build.
- Performance issues moving from one message to another in Outlook when connected to GoldMine
- Service Center displays all records in the database if no filter is applied by the user (does not respect limits on System Settings > Display)
- GoldMine stops responding while e-mail messages are being queued
- Slow response when handling e-mails for a contact with a large number of opportunities
- Sorting on Age and Actual End columns (Projects) sorts as character values and not on their numerical or date values
Want to see the Previous Release Notes:
GoldMine Release Notes
Hope you find this of value!
Enjoy and Happy GoldMining!!