Although GoldMine provides several ways to perform a merge, Merging Tagged Records is the simplest and least aggressive (dangerous) way to do so. When you come across two or more records that are duplicates and need to combine them, you can simply “tag” those records and ask GoldMine to combine them for you. That said, we would be negligent if I did not still recommend that you make sure everyone is out of GoldMine and that you backup your databases first… just in case.
- Click the Search button on your toolbar and find your duplicates. (You can also open the Contact Search Center by using the F4 key on your keyboard.)
- Determine which will be the “master” or “surviving” record. In other words, which record the other ones will be merged into. This is the one that will need to be selected FIRST in the next step.
- Select the records you wish to merge by clicking on the first record. Then, hold down the CTRL key, and select the next record(s).
- Click on Tools | Data Management | Merge/Purge Records | Merge Tagged Records…
- Click Yes to merge the Tagged Records.
That’s all there is to it!
Enjoy and Happy GoldMining!!