As most of you have come to expect and appreciate, we test every GoldMine release on our own LIVE GoldMine database for a minimum of 30-days prior to posting its release. That said, GoldMine has been working flawlessly for us since mid-December and we are ready to endorse it for all our installs and upgrades.
As we had been waiting until the release of to endorse the 9.2.x series, this post will combine the benefits of both 9.2.1.x and 9.2.0.
- GoldMine Premium Edition now supports Microsoft Windows 8 Pro and Enterprise editions.
- GoldMine Premium Edition now supports Microsoft Windows Server 2012.
LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Google integrations are now provided through the GM+View tab. New GM+View templates are provided to use these integrations:
- Facebook Profile shows the Facebook profile page for a contact
- Facebook Company Search shows Facebook pages matching a contact’s company
- Facebook Contact Search shows Facebook profiles matching a contact’s name
- Google Company Search shows web search results for a contact’s name (sample image)
- Google Contact Search shows web search results for a contact’s company
- Google Directions shows directions to the contact’s address from the address registered for the GoldMine license, shown at Help | Update GoldMine | Registration
- Google Map shows a map of the contact’s address (sample image)
- LinkedIn Profile shows the LinkedIn profile page for a contact
- LinkedIn Company Search shows LinkedIn pages matching a contact’s company
- LinkedIn Contact Search shows LinkedIn pages matching a contact’s name (sample image)
- Twitter Company Search shows Tweets with keywords matching a contact’s company
- Twitter Contact Search shows Tweets with keywords matching a contact’s name (sample image)
- Twitter Profile shows the contact’s Twitter timeline
An Import feature is now available at Web | Setup GM+View | Import to enable the new GM+View templates to be added to an existing installation. These templates are available through Drivers and Downloads at After a template has been imported, it will be available to users through the GM+View tab. If you do not see the GM+View tab under a contact record, go to Tools | Options | Record | Tabs and check “GM+View”. Then open a contact and click the down-arrow button that is on the row of tabs beneath the fields area (see below), and select “GM+View”.
When viewing the GM+View tab, you can select a template using the drop-down list shown in the upper right corner of the tab area.
During the upgrade, the following new fields are added to the GoldMine database: UFACEBOOK, ULINKEDIN, and UTWITTER. These fields track the corresponding identifiers for contacts using each of these services. Administrators can add these fields to a contact fields view by right-clicking and selecting New Field, and then selecting one of these fields from the drop-down list.
- UFACEBOOK contains the Facebook username. To find the Facebook username for a contact, view the contact’s profile page in Facebook and copy the text displayed in the browser’s address bar after “”
- ULINKEDIN contains the LinkedIn ID. To find the LinkedIn ID for a contact, view the contact’s profile in LinkedIn & copy the number in the browser address bar after “id=”.
- UTWITTER contains the Twitter username, without the “@” symbol.
Data import is now enabled when a product evaluation license is in use.
To assist in troubleshooting issues with synchronization, a verbose logging option now provides additional information. To enable verbose logging for synchronization, add the following setting to the GM.ini file:
ShowLogging=0: logging is off (default)ShowLogging=1: logging is on
- The edit screens for scheduled and completed activities now include a button that enables the user to see Notes displayed in a larger, resizable window.
- GoldMine Plus for Microsoft Outlook now supports the use of a GoldMine database with a secondary contact set.
- Outlook synchronization screens have been updated to clarify the behavior when synchronizing activities within a date range and a contact filter or group.
Note: GoldMine Premium Edition 9.2.1 also provides the fixes and enhancements included with GoldMine Premium Edition 9.2.0, listed below.
- Duplicate fields created upon upgrade if UTwitter, UFacebook, or ULinkedin already exist in the database
- Some e-mails appear blank
- Some e-mails corrupted after being downloaded into GoldMine
- E-mails sent via Automated Process with Merge for option set to User who Attaches this Process will queue/send for wrong user if more than one user has same e-mail address
- Unable to send transfer set to e-mail address when sending Transfer set via GoldSync Service
- Anti-virus products from ESET may conflict with the operation of GoldMine Plus for Microsoft Outlook
- Windows 7 Display setting other than Smaller, causes part of some windows to be non-viewable
- Merge/purge “Prompt me before merging records” causes GoldMine shut downs or become non-responsive if there is a large number of matches
- Error message returned when creating a transfer set: 18 – File could not be found or no read permission
- Merge to All/Filter/Group fails when document template is protected
- Lack of [Internet] section In username.ini file causes attachments to e-mails linked from Outlook to GoldMine to not be copied to Attach directory or noted in RFC822 field.
- Object reference error appears in Outlook
- Incorrect alarm dates set for recurring activities with no end date
- E-mail from additional contact displays the primary contact info after linking in Outlook
- User is not prevented from entering more than 40 characters in Resolution Type field
- When trying to ‘Move’ a linked document with Preview Pane open, operation fails without error
- Some buttons (Activate, Release, Properties, Delete) become inactive when scrolling in the filter list beyond the set limit of list items to be displayed
- Runtime error. Pure Virtual Function Call. R6025 when scheduling a Forecast immediately after filing an e-mail
- Box to set auto-linking in Outlook becomes unchecked
- Spelling error in hint text when creating contact in Outlook
- Cannot link Outlook e-mail message to Projects and Cases if the message is from a contact related to the Project or Case, but not as the primary contact
- When creating a new contact record via Outlook integration, US phone number format is always applied to 10-digit phone numbers
- After completing an activity at the top of the activity list, it will jump to the bottom of the list
- Not all closed activities are displayed in the activity list when initially launching GoldMine
- Cannot replace existing e-mail address when adding an e-mail address to a contact from Outlook
- Information entered to Linking Exclusions tab truncated to first 20 characters
- Save button inactive when removing the only or last Linking Exclusion via Outlook | Setup GoldMine Plus
- Error message when selecting Notes as the search field in the Contact Search Center when using secondary contact set
- After the GoldMine E-mail Center is refreshed, an e-mail message under review in the preview pane will be repositioned to the top of the message
- Error message appears when working in e-mail center with IMAP account
- Template drop down list in the Outlook new e-mail screen is not alphabetically ordered
- Project list view shows duplicate values for custom fields in list view
- With ESET Anti-Virus installed, exiting Outlook generates repeated Add-in-Express errors
- Deletions of activities in Outlook are not synchronized into GoldMine when the user does not have deletion rights
- Opportunity dashboard only shows Closed Opportunities when the all group is chosen, after upgrade from version 6.7
- When shrinking the e-mail preview window, this setting is not saved once you close the window or you exit GoldMine
- If e-mail subject line is long in incoming Outlook e-mail, sender is not recognized as an additional contact
- When printing an e-mail linked via the Outlook integration, the Outlook integration fields appear on the printed e-mail
- E-mail attachments linked via the Outlook link with Special characters in the name, do not display in the e-mail when viewed in GoldMine
- Error when adding a note when the Accountno field in the database containing an apostrophe (‘)
- Web mail delivery error message does not display correctly in GoldMine
- Intermittent problems with record sorting after switching the Sort By field
- Unable to paste into the Service Center using Ctrl + V
- Cannot enter instance-specific notes or change other fields on a pending activity that is scheduled for multiple users, multiple contacts, or recurring
- Obsolete DLL file on system results in object reference error when trying to link a message in Outlook
- When a group member is deleted, cursor focus moves to the top of the member list
- Adding Conthist->Notes to a History report will only print the first 10 characters of the notes field
- Use large font feature is not consistently applied to all areas
- Pop-up when selected option causes F2 lookup screen to be intrusive in the CSC when clicking on different tabs and clicking back to CSC
- Spell checker in E-mail Center does not respect the ‘Ignore Domain Names’ setting
- Adding Cal->Notes to a Calendar report will only print the first 10 characters of the Notes field
Note: GoldMine Premium Edition 9.2.0 also provides the fixes and enhancements included with GoldMine Premium Edition 9.0.0, GoldMine Premium Edition 9.0.1, GoldMine Premium Edition 9.0.1 Hotfix 1, GoldMine Premium Edition 9.0.2, GoldMine Premium Edition 9.0.3, GoldMine Premium Edition 9.0.4, and GoldMine Premium Edition 9.0.4 Hotfix 1, listed below.
- When adding Site to GoldSync Site Group, Sites (Sub-licenses) are not ordered alphabetically
- Times are always shown in 24 hour format, regardless of local time format option
- GoldMine License Manager does not order GoldSync Sites alphabetically
- JavaScript error appears when changing view in Outlook
- If an Opportunity has a single associated pending Forecasted Sale, then update to Probability of one should automatically update Probability of other
- When NTLM authentication is selected, configuration screen incorrectly shows username and password fields
- E-mails with Base64 encoding are not displayed correctly when using Exchange
- Double-arrow button does not hide contact details when clicked
- To-do Reference column in Calendar week view does not show contact name
- Event date is not shown in Calendar week view
- GoldMine crashes upon launch via Terminal Services with KB2533623 installed on Windows Server 2008
- Body of e-mail is blank when auto-linking e-mail from Outlook 2010
- Performance issue in Outlook when there are many e-mail folders
- When performing a two-way sync with Outlook, calendar items linked to records with no contact name become unlinked in GoldMine and lose the company name in Outlook
- Linked Document move fails for mailbox attachments outside root directory
- New e-mails that are auto-retrieved to the Inbox will not display until user scrolls the screen
- Auto-retrieve in E-Mail Center reverts to default sort order by Date
- Merge and Edit will leave a copy of the template file in My Documents for the logged in user
- A field level conttlog is not created/updated if a user changes the data in the field, but the lookup.ini instructions do not update the newly entered data
- The Synchronization tab does not display in the Setup GoldMine Plus options for non-master users
- Option to use a later Start Time is not respected when executing Automated Processes
- Printing a document using a filter does not respect the sort order that is set in the filter
- Print merge order is inconsistent for large contact groups
- Export from Excel to GoldMine creates incorrect relationship trees
Want to see the Previous Release Notes:
GoldMine Release Notes
Hope you find this of value!
Enjoy and Happy GoldMining!!