Officially announced just 2 weeks ago, GoldMine has released 2014.1. Though we are still taking it through our own rigorous testing, so far so good… That said, this seemed to be a good time to fill everyone in on this new and exciting version.
- GoldMine Premium Edition now includes an integration with Google Apps. This integration provides bidirectional synchronization between your Google Apps calendar and your GoldMine Calendar. Standalone Gmail accounts are not supported at this time.
- GoldMine Mobile must be installed to use the Google Apps integration. Once the integration is configured, syncing will occur automatically with no end user action necessary. See GoldMine 2014.1 Help | GoldMine Administrator Guide | Google Apps Integration Administration for set-up information.
- Starting with GoldMine Mobile 2014.1, Android devices running version 2.3 and above are now supported. This comprises more than 98% of Android devices in use today.
- GoldMine Mobile users can now view and edit basic information for Opportunities that they manage. Also included is the ability to create new Opportunities. Tab detail for opportunities is not included at this time.
- Secondary phone number for additional contact is always moved into Fax field in the primary contact record view when swapping with primary.
- Clicking OK to a record alert pop-up after moving to a different record causes GoldMine to crash.
- When sending an email in Outlook, and clicking the “Link to” drop-down, “Not Linked” is missing.
- A user without master rights does not get results for any email meeting the Universal Search criteria unless the email was sent or received by that particular user.
- Cannot remove an existing E-mail merge code value in Additional Contact Record window.
- Sent message will not be auto linked to the contact even if the settings are set to auto linking.
- Drop down list for Opportunities and Projects in the Outlook Read and New E-mail screen is not alphabetically ordered.
- When the automated process sends a reply email to the new contact, it does not include the To: field.
- Email unlinked from Project when moved from inbox to subfolder using GM Plus for MS Outlook.
- An option to exclude additional contacts using GoldMine Mobile.
- When filing an email from Outlook, if you change the reference this change is not saved when the email is linked to GoldMine.
- Ampersand in email subject displayed as underscore when opened.
- Required fields notification appears in CSC (Contact Search Center) when record was changed and CSC is opened with e.g. criteria Is NOT empty.
- Selecting a lookup value with comments for a user-defined field will populate the field with the lookup value and the //comment.
- If there is data in an email before a DOCTYPE declaration, it will be truncated when the email is downloaded.
- Accepted meeting requests, when received are shown as moved or deleted Calendar items.
- When GoldMine is opened, it just minimizes in the taskbar and can’t be maximized.
- New opportunities based on a template do not let you edit the units, price or forecasted amount.
- Update ReadMe topic 30 with a full list of reserved Words for MS SQL starting with U – actual Readme contains only 3 and reserved word USER causes issue in Outlook integration.
- Missing Notes when completing a previously edited single occurrence of a multi-user scheduled activity.
- Reply of GoldMine HTML emails from some email server types is removed or stripped from the email upon retrieval in to GoldMine.
- Request to have iGoldMine support Office 2013.
GoldMine 2014.1 also includes all of the monthly Hot Fixes released since the GA release of GoldMine Premium Edition 2013.1. If you are currently running anything less than 2013.1.0.298, follow the link below to see what else you will get when upgrading to GMPE 2014.1.
Introducing GMPE –
Want to see the Previous Release Notes:
GoldMine Release Notes
Hope you find this of value!
Enjoy and Happy GoldMining!!