Officially announced last week with lots of fanfare, GoldMine has released 2015.2. Though we have yet to complete our own rigorous testing process, we have been getting far too many inquires about this exciting new release not to create a blog post. That said, this seemed to be a good time to make our own announcement regarding this new and exciting version.
GoldMine Premium
- Windows 10 compatibility
- Microsoft Office 2016 compatibility
- Add and access Links from Cloud storage
GoldMine Web > Responsiveness
- GoldMine Web has a new responsive layout that is touch-sensitive and provides easy navigation to key elements. You can now access GoldMine functionality from a web browser on desktops, tablets or smart phones. Whether working in the office, in the field, or at home, users can access GoldMine Web to add, view, or edit contact data and to schedule, update, or complete activities and opportunities. Our modern design is similar across all supported platforms and browsers so users are able to work efficiently no matter their location or method of access.
GoldMine Web > Contacts
- Click to dial for Primary or Additional Contact phone fields and custom phone fields where name begins UPHONE
- Links section
- View and open Links added to a contact record in PE
- Protected links are not displayed
- Filter Pending and History sections by activity type and user
- Additional Contacts – click to send email via default mail client
GoldMine Web > Activities
- Complete Activity from Activity List
- View and Complete Pending Opportunity tasks
GoldMine Web > Opportunities
- Add Opportunity from main menu
- View associated Pending, History, and Tasks on an Opportunity record
- Complete Pending activities and Tasks from an Opportunity name
- Search for Opportunity by name
GoldMine Web > Emails
- View/download Email attachments
When logged into GoldMine Web, view page source to determine the GoldMine Base and Contact Set database aliases currently in use. (Feature #227485)
Here are a few more screens to show you regarding GoldMine’s new look:
Changes made since the GoldMine 2015.1 release; changes made in monthly 2015.1 hotfixes are included.
GoldMine Web
- Contact Search uses the operator ‘begins with’ instead of ‘contains’.
- On Contact list, Company field does not link to primary website.
Diagnostic logs for GoldMine Plus for Microsoft Office (Word and Excel) are now user specific. To enable logging:
1. Open the appropriate location to create folder and file for logging:
a. Enter %appdata% in Windows Explorer address bar
b. browse to user’s appdata folder – typically C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming
2. Create folder GoldMine
3. In the GoldMine folder, create new text file and name to OfficeLink.log
4. Launch GoldMine and Office to gather logs as needed.
5. Once troubleshooting is complete, delete the GoldMine folder and OfficeLink.log
- Some emails are duplicated when retrieved into GoldMine
NOTE: Following upgrade, one copy of emails displaying this behavior will be retrieved. This copy should not be deleted as it will be seen on further retrieval attempts and will prevent the download of more duplicate copies. - When an instance of a recurring activity synced between Outlook and GoldMine is edited in Outlook after being completed in GoldMine, a new instance of the activity for the same date/time is created in GoldMine on next sync from Outlook to GoldMine.
- When in a detail tab, editing or creating new, when clicking the INFO tab, the dialogue box flickers, the recently viewed items flicker and also other non-GoldMine applications.
- Syncing Contacts with Outlook will only sync the first 35 characters of an email address from Outlook to GoldMine.
- When scheduling or Completing activities, the Tab view and the recently viewed list will refresh causing a performance degrade.
- Mobile and WEB not working when GoldSync or other 3rd party GoldMine related services are setup and running as a service and started prior the IIS.
- Basic functions such as typing or copy/paste into Microsoft Word or Excel are locking up on Terminal Server environment with the Office Link active.
- If a file is open on a workstation it will not sync using GoldSync, File cannot be compressed.
- When creating an email in Outlook and actively set to link to Primary Contact: and then back to Not Linked a .Net error appears ‘Object not set to an instance of an object’.
- [GMME] Unable to link a contact to an activity as the contact list only shows blank row or the top 100 contact records in the database (and no data available when searching for an existing contact).
- [GMME] Searching for a contact in the “Add Contact” section of an activity returns no results.
- Text\HTML; Charset UTF-8 emails are displaying corrupt when downloaded into GoldMine.
- Remove the company name hyperlink in GoldMine WEB once a record does have a primary web site.
- Update “FrontRange Community” in GMPE Help menu.
- Update “GoldMine Online” in GMPE Help menu.
- [GMWEB] After clicking sign in you are sometimes redirected to GMME and username/password are seen in address bar.
- [GMWEB] Provide Action icons in the ACTIVITIES >> Activity list. Provide a possibility to edit AND complete the Activity from there.
- Web import is duplicating contact2 entries for each imported contact when a lookup.ini is in use.
- [GMWEB] Request to allow linked documents and email attachments to be viewed from GMWEB interface.
- Feature Request: Click to Dial from GoldMine Web.
- [GMME] Contacts are not appearing in filters and groups in GoldMine Mobile.
- [GMWEB] If a user has been deleted in GMPE the contact’s Pending and History does not show any activities of those users for any non-master user.
- Outlook integration performance decreases, may lock up local Outlook (since 2014.2 HF 2 causing the integration silently to disconnect), or even slowing down the SQL server for all users – due to Outlook integration not closing connections appropriately.
- ERROR: You are not authorized to process this request Error code: 8 -When logging into GoldMine mobile, the user is almost immediately logged out of GoldMine Mobile but can use GoldMine Web.
- Downloading E-mails with a winmail.dat attachment crashes GoldMine.
- [GMME] After auto upgrade of Chrome to version GoldMine Mobile does not show any data anymore only the overall forms.
- [GMWEB] F2 Lookup values with single slashes / or double slashes // (as for comments) causing inconsistent and unexpected behavior.
- Email rule action File to Inbox configured in GoldMine Premium Edition is not respected when email is retrieved during GoldMine Web login.
- [GMWEB] Feature Request – Auto-launch Send Mail composer when clicking on email field of Additional Contacts in GoldMine Web.
- Userlogo overlaps GoldMine logo in splash screen since 2015.1 release.
- [GMWEB] Systems with a localized SQL Server install will result in Error failed to get activity list when clicking on Activities in GoldMine Web.
- [GMWEB] When adding a user defined field in Opportunity Manager containing any value for existing default field names like STATUS, STAGE, SOURCE opening GoldMine Web Opportunities results in error: Server Error: An error has occurred on the server. Please contact your system administrator.
- [GMWEB] When using labels for Opportunity and Project Management, opening GoldMine Web Opportunities results in error: Server Error: An error has occurred on the server. Please contact your system administrator.
- Constant Contact Integration downloads only at maximum 500 SNT records into History.
- [GMME] When trying to search for a contact to link a forecast sale to in activities, no results are returned in larger databases if that record is outside the records initially returned.
- Websites entered in GMPE without http:// prefix are not working as a hyperlink in GMWEB until opened and closed within GMPE which will add the http:// prefix.
- [GMWEB] – Lookup list for Result (Code) when creating a History item (without prior scheduling it) will be taken from Calls and not from the specific Activity type (Action, Event/Appointment)
- Outlook integration isn’t auto-linking retrieved or sent emails consistently although the folders are added to the watched folders into GoldMine.
- Record Curtaining level reverts back to NONE if a contact record is edited in GoldMine Mobile or Web.
- Current GoldMine Premium Edition 2015.1 does not recognize Office 2016 as a valid Office installation – request for making Office 2016 compatible with GMPE.
- [GMWEB] Hyperlink to Contact in ACTIVITIES page Calendar bring user to full contact list instead to the contact record.
- [GMWEB] ACTIVITIES show User Full Name only, while OPPORTUNITIES show USERNAME only, this is confusing and may lead users not being able to identify the correct users.
Hope you find this of value!
Enjoy and Happy GoldMining!!