Looking at Two Records at Once

Have you ever needed to look at two contact records at the same time?

By default, GoldMine always has one contact window open, but what if you need to open a 2nd contact window? What if you want to look at them side by side? Well, here’s how:

  1. Find the 1st record you want to look at.
  2. If you plan on tiling them, click on Window | Close All to start with a clean GoldMine desktop.looking_at_two_records_at_once_01
  3. Click on Window | New Contact Window. This will bring up the Contact List View.looking_at_two_records_at_once_02
  4. Lookup the second contact you want to see.
  5. Double-click on that contact. You should now see a second record windows/tab.
  6. If you want to Tile the records, the Windows menu has options to Tile Horizontally or Tile Vertically.looking_at_two_records_at_once_03

That’s all there is to it!
Enjoy and Happy GoldMining!!


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